Your Baby is the size of a

Honeydew Melon

At this point, you should have regular visits - at least once a week - with your midwife or doctor. They may examine your cervix at each appointment, from now until your baby is born. Your doctor or midwife is looking for signs of dilation and effacement, as well as the position of your baby, who is about the size of a spaghetti squash and growing!

Week 35

Length : 17.4 in.

Weight : 5.29 lb.

Week 35
Length : 17.4 in.
Weight : 5.29 lb.

Your Baby is the size of a

Honeydew Melon

At this point, you should have regular visits - at least once a week - with your midwife or doctor. They may examine your cervix at each appointment, from now until your baby is born. Your doctor or midwife is looking for signs of dilation and effacement, as well as the position of your baby, who is about the size of a spaghetti squash and growing!

Your little one is settling deeper into your pelvis, reducing pressure on your rib cage and allowing more room for your diaphragm to expand.

Your baby's kidneys are fully developed, and their liver is beginning to produce waste. The majority of their growth is already done. However, you should expect them to gain more weight over the next few weeks. As space is at a premium, you may not feel as much fetal movement inside of you, though you will feel (and see!) some healthy punches and kicks this week.

At week 35, you should have regular visits with your midwife or doctor at least once a week. Your midwife or doctor may examine your cervix at each appointment until your baby is born. Remember that the cervix is not a glass ball; it does not give answers on when your baby will come, and you are allowed to decline any pelvic exams. When your doctor or midwife performs a pelvic exam, they look for signs of dilation and effacement (the stretching and thinning of your cervix). They are also checking your little one's position.

You may also notice the frequency of your bathroom breaks increasing as the pressure of your little one's head-down position on your bladder increases. You may even experience a bit of urinary incontinence or lose a little control of your bladder when you sneeze, cough, or laugh. No matter what, you must continue consuming enough fluid to maintain proper hydration throughout your pregnancy. Do not drink less fluids in an attempt to avoid having accidents. Wear a pad or panty liner to prevent any potentially embarrassing situations.

If you've been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions over the past few weeks, you may wonder how to know when it's the real thing. Regular uterine contractions are the strongest indication of being in labor! These contractions may feel like menstrual cramps or lower back pain; and in early labor, they can be 20 to 30 minutes apart. Over time, however, the minutes between contractions will decrease. When they are consistently five minutes apart, it's time to call your midwife or doctor. True contractions get longer, stronger, and closer together over time.

You should also call your doctor or midwife if you pass your mucus plug. This is a small quantity of thick mucus which seals your cervical canal during pregnancy. The mucus plug is released when your cervix dilates in preparation for labor. It may come out in one grand lump all at once or over the course of a few days as vaginal discharge. This mucus may also be tinted with blood, appearing pink, brown, or red. The mucus plug does not mean labor is imminent; it can regenerate over time.

Another sign of labor is your water breaking. This means that the amniotic sac surrounding your baby, which is filled with fluid, has ruptured, causing the fluid to leak from your vagina. It may come out in a large gush, as many movies display it, but for most people, it isn't as dramatic as that. And for some, only a tiny trickle of fluid is noticeable. No matter how your water breaks, if it breaks, it's time to call your doctor, midwife, or doula! Water breaking only occurs in about 10% of births. It is more common that you will get contractions before water ever breaks.         

Pregnancy is exhausting, but when you hold that little baby, you'll realize it was all entirely worth it. Here is a list of symptoms you may experience during week 35.

Constipation and/or hemorrhoids: pregnancy isn’t always glowing radiance. As your digestive system slows in response to increased progesterone causing your muscles to relax, you may experience bloating and gas (from both ends!).

Increased vaginal discharge: as your due date draws nearer, your body will continue to prepare the way for your baby’s delivery. Increased vaginal discharge is normal, and may even contain trace amounts of old blood, especially after sex or a pelvic exam. Talk to your doctor about any concerns so they can rule out any issues.

Stretch marks: as your baby continues to grow and your body grows to accommodate, your skin may experience stretching, leaving marks and causing discomfort. You may also notice hair growing in places it didn’t grow previously, or growing more aggressively than it did before. You can utilize lotions and creams to soothe irritated skin; but stretch marks are largely genetic and not something you should feel guilty for not “preventing”.  Unwanted hair growth can be shaved or plucked. Waxing may not be advisable during pregnancy and should be explored as an option with caution. 

Sweating: increased perspiration can be a result of hormonal changes, or the additional weight and pressure on your body as you carry your growing baby. Stay hydrated to replace any fluids lost. 

Heartburn: as your baby continues to grow and press on internal organs, your digestive system is likely to feel the impact of cramped quarters. This, paired with continuing hormone fluctuations can result in heartburn or indigestion. Talk to your medical care provider about options for relief if you’re feeling too uncomfortable.

Braxton Hicks: also referred to as “practice contractions” Braxton Hicks are your body’s way of preparing for giving birth. They are generally painless, or uncomfortable at most– like subtle period cramps. If you are experiencing severe pain, or the cramping does not stop– seek medical attention.

Interrupted sleep: trouble sleeping? It’s no surprise as midnight bathroom breaks, heartburn, leg cramps, and the stress of your soon-to-come newborn can all make it difficult to get a full night’s rest.

Backaches and/or leg cramps:  aches and pains are an uncomfortable, albeit normal, part of pregnancy. Avoid staying in the same position for too long, stay hydrated, and talk to your doctor about safe pain relief options that may offer some comfort.

Swelling or bloating: some swelling is normal and expected during pregnancy, especially if you are on your feet all day, but it’s best to keep an eye on any sudden changes. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing swelling, as this could be a warning sign of a dangerous complication called preeclampsia. 

Crazy dreams: the stress of anticipating your baby’s arrival and the poor sleep of the third trimester can result in interrupted sleep. While the cause of the more vivid dreams in pregnancy is unknown it may have something to do with that interrupted sleep. Not sleeping as deeply may allow you to remember your dreams more easily. 

Nesting: home sweet home! It’s a natural instinct to want to prepare your living space in anticipation of your baby’s arrival. Enjoy the benefits of a clean and organized home as a result of this symptom!         

The phrase "slept like a baby" tends to make most of us conjure an image of this peaceful baby sleeping for hours, undisturbed by anything. Those first days after birth, or even weeks after birth, you may discover your little one snoozes most of the day away, totally oblivious to camera flashes and onlookers. As you spend too many hours just holding, cuddling, and gazing adoringly at your snoozing angel, you may finally realize what "sleeping like a baby" means. It means passing gas, funny faces, little grunts, and a few grins.

Getting Some Sleep In

Do your best to "sleep like a baby" as often as possible during the next few weeks. Not only is childbirth exhausting, but you will soon experience moments when your newborn is overtired, turning into a restless, cranky, demanding little creature who wakes up at all hours of the night with certain, demanding cries. Many new parents think that they are doing something wrong. Perhaps their first week home went wonderfully, and you had a newborn who slept five hours straight at night. Maybe your little one peacefully snoozed from one feeding to another, giving you plenty of time to rest as well. And then the tides turn, and your little monster is depriving you of much needed sleep.

This happens, so don’t worry if it happens to you. If it doesn't happen to you, count yourself insanely lucky and try to avoid gloating or bragging about it to the rest of us, please. You are more well-rested than the rest of us and we can’t be held entirely accountable for how we'll respond to your chipper attitude.

Knowing What to Expect

You may not be able to avoid all sleep issues, but you can be prepared for them. Research the sleep advice of experts and learn about the various methods of getting babies to sleep through the night. There are plenty to choose from. You're sure to find one that fits your style and vision of parenting. Just keep in mind that your baby's temperament will play a large part in the success of any method. There are believers in co-sleeping and believers in keeping your little one in their own crib. Some who suggest closing the nursery door and not looking back until morning and others who suggest waiting through five minutes of crying before intervening. What works for some won't work for all, so take it all with a grain of salt and ask around. Talk with friends and family members who have seemingly well-rested children and find out what worked for them and ultimately, go with your gut.

There is a reason why everyone is telling you to enjoy your sleep right now, while you can. Because a good night's sleep is super easy when you're 35 weeks pregnant... right?

Don't forget to write in your pregnancy journal; and take a side profile pregnancy body picture, too!

At a Glance

  • “Dropping”: When your baby makes their way into position for the birth canal, you may see a visual downward shift in the weight of your belly.
  • Vivid dreams: Common at all stages of pregnancy, crazy dreams may pick-up in the third trimester as you experience more sleep disruptions.
  • Amniotic fluid: The amount of amniotic fluid increases throughout your pregnancy until about 36 weeks, when it begins to decrease until birth.
  • Linea nigra: A hyperpigmented vertical line down the center of your belly is just one of many skin changes during pregnancy.
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3rd Trimester

The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.