
Safe Sleep & Bathtime

To promote quality sleep for your little one, developing a consistent night-time routine is essential for their physical and mental development. This section includes the ultimate guide to mastering bath time and sleep routines for individual babies and parents.

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Your Guide to Safe Sleep & Bathtime…

Lack of sleep is an unavoidable issue for most new parents. It is hard to predict your baby’s sleep pattern when they are young, so having them sleep through the night is not simple. Sleep training your baby can help you teach them to sleep through the night without waking up, but there is not one universal way to sleep train. There are plenty of sleep training methods out there and each family will find the one that works best for them since each baby is unique and what works for one may not work for another. Some examples of sleep training methods are controlled crying, the pick-up, put-down method, the gradual retreat, and the no-tears method. For more advice on these techniques, check out our sleep training hacks!

Some parents begin sleep training when their baby is as young as a few months old, while others wait until their baby gets closer to the six-month mark so they can simultaneously begin weaning. Beginning sleep training between months four and six tend to be the most successful, but it is still important to consider your baby’s temperament. Sleep training may be easier for some families than others who require more guidance and support. If you are unsure whether or not to begin sleep training, check with your baby’s doctor!

Dressing your baby for bedtime is a huge aspect of safe sleep. Your baby's sleepwear must be the right material and warmth for the season you are in. In general, it is recommended that babies sleep in a room that is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. When the winter months approach, dress them in heavier fabrics, and in warmer weather, opt for lightweight, breathable materials!
As your baby grows, you can begin dressing them in sleepwear that doesn’t cover their feet, such as a sleep sack or wearable blanket. These options are safer than loose blankets, which pose suffocation risks! For a complete list of tips, check out our guide to what your baby should wear while sleeping.