
Development & Playtime

In this section, learn about the most crucial baby development milestones and valuable guidance to keep track of your little one's progress. From motor skills to cognitive development, here is our expert advice and tips to help support your baby’s journey. We have found a variety of activities for baby’s that are both entertaining for them and educational. We aim to introduce ways to promote your baby’s growth and development.

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Your Guide to Baby Development & Playtime…

All babies develop at different rates, so do not overwhelm yourself with worry if your baby misses or is late to reaching a milestone. Watching your baby grow and develop is exciting! The first year of your baby’s life will be filled with milestones like your baby learning how to focus their vision and reach out to grab things as their hand-eye coordination develops. Their brain will also develop as they learn the process of memory, language, thinking, and reasoning.

Watching your baby learn independently is a great feeling, but there are also things you can do to promote their development. Talk to your baby; answer them when they make sounds, and read to them! These are great ways to promote language development! Playing with your baby helps them learn about their environment and develop their motor, language, and social skills! Incorporating tummy time into your baby’s routine is vital for your baby’s physical development. Tummy time will help your baby’s back, neck, and arm muscles strengthen, preparing them to master crawling and sitting up independently.

Toys and games can be fun and educational for your baby. Providing your baby with toys that stimulate their brain plays a key role in shaping a child's learning and development. Remember, the bright colors and toys with lots of contrast are great for your baby! There are a variety of toys that promote development for your child, but here are some of our favorites: Building Blocks- playing with blocks helps children develop fine motor skills, spatial awareness, creativity, and problem-solving skills!

  • Musical Instruments: Musical instruments help children develop auditory skills and hand-eye coordination!
  • Puzzles: Puzzles do not have to be 50 plus tiny pieces. Wooden puzzles that allow your child to place pieces where they belong are great for developing problem-solving and cognitive skills.
  • Books: Reading books to your child is a great way to promote language and literacy skills. Touch and feel books are our favorite since they engage several of your child's senses, familiarizing them with different shapes, colors, and textures.

Learning to walk is a significant milestone for your baby, which they will typically begin learning to do between months 9 and 18. Provide a safe environment for your baby to explore and practice new skills once they develop the necessary muscles and balance.

Learning to talk is a significant milestone in your baby’s development! Before they learn to say words, they will need to develop their language skills. Some signs your baby is getting ready to talk are babbling, responding to their name, and recognizing familiar words.