Your Complete Guide to Pregnancy Dreams

Dreaming Vividly During Pregnancy

People who are pregnant often report more vivid dreams and nightmares, as well as better recall of these nightly events. One of the reasons dreams may be more intense during pregnancy is because of the increase in hormones. Hormones impact emotions, anxieties, and moods, affecting how brains process this information. Often, this way of processing occurs at night when one is sleeping. For some, the increase in dreams can be exciting and something to embrace.

In contrast, for others, it can be a nightmare, literally, and just one more thing that disturbs their sleep during pregnancy. Although there is no clear explanation for why we dream, some of the hypotheses about the function of our dreams are that they help digest emotions, help us practice moving through stressful and threatening situations in preparation for real life, and are there to inspire creative potential. No matter the meaning behind the visions or whether one likes them, here are some things you can do with your new dream increase.

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Ignore Them

Ignore them: If your dreams are causing more anxiety and distress, if they are not good dreams but, in fact, nightmares, or if you overall do not care about them and would like better, less disturbed sleep, then ignore them. For individuals with poor mental health, dwelling on dreams could be exactly what their brains do not need. Often, we dream more when we are having disturbances to our sleep, so hydrating during the day and drinking less right before bed, sleeping with a lot of pillow support on your left side, and finding ways to calm your brain before bed are great ways to improve sleep quality.

Keep a Dream Journal

Dream journal: Writing down your dreams can be simply a fun way to record your experiences while pregnant. For some, the creative outlet that is dream journaling is enough and a great way to enjoy pregnancy's new visions. For others, dreams can be an excellent way to learn about yourself, commune with your ancestors, and receive messages from the universe. You're not alone if you seek more meaning in your dreams. Dreams have played essential roles in different cultures and religions worldwide for centuries. One way to lean into the meaningfulness of dreams is by keeping a journal and pen at your bedside, and recording the intricate details of your dream whenever you wake up is an excellent way to do it. When writing about the dream, think of the elements that most specifically come to mind, think of the five senses, and write down what each sense was experiencing in the dream. There are times that the storyline of the dream means less than the details that surround it. 

When you wake up, try to do so slowly, keep your body still, and avoid looking at screens immediately. These are some ways you might remember your dreams more vividly. 

Remember that a dream journal can be as simple as a notebook with bullet points, don't overthink it. Another great piece of advice is to share your dreams with those you trust, especially if the dream has them in it. This can be a great way to practice recall and express gratitude for dreaming.

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Use Dreams as Inspiration

Create: Just as stated above, many believe that dreams occur to inspire creative potential. Whether you consider yourself an artist or a poet, or none of the above, a fun way to experience dreams is to create with them. Your creativity might begin and end with dream journaling, or you might take it a step further and paint, draw, dance, write, or design art that brings your nightly visions to life. If you have intense nightmares, this could feel like too much or be a great way to process them. Only you know if creating art from your dreams is a good idea for your mental health. Still, we know from history that many artists and authors have been inspired by their nightly visions. 

A beautiful quote in the book Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreams by Fariba Bogzaran and Daniel Deslauriers states: "Dreaming is the art of the mind. Every dream is intrinsically a creative experience. As the artists of the night, we are co-participants in weaving new creations from the complexity of our entire being." 

Be Intentional

Set Intentions: If your hope is for the vivid dreaming to stop, then a great way to help this to happen is to ask it to stop. It sounds strange, but simply stating out loud that you do not want any dreams tonight can be a helpful way to make the dreaming stop. Maybe you wish for dreams rather than nightmares. Again, state your boundary out loud, "I would like good dreams and do not want to have any nightmares or dreams that cause me discomfort." 

Another way you can work with your dreams is by setting an intention for dreaming before going to bed. Maybe you are looking for an answer to a question, hoping to learn more about your inner self, or wanting to communicate with someone who has passed before you. Whatever it might be, set your intentions before bed and say them out loud. It sounds silly, but I often tell my children to think about what they would like to dream about as they drift off to sleep. If we believe that our brains continue processing the things we have not finished processing during the daytime while we sleep, then this idea can work. 


However you choose to experience your new pregnancy dreams is a great way to do it. Whether you fully embrace them and become an incredibly inspired artist your entire pregnancy or shut them down to get a better night's sleep, you are valid, and you'll know what is best for you and your mental health, night by night.


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