Top Gift Ideas for Mother's Day


It’s easy to make a list of classic, gift ideas for Mother’s Day. From flowers to chocolates and jewellery to spoil us for all our hard work will never go unwanted but this year is a bit different.

We have all been stuck in lockdown with restrictions for so long we need something a little different this Mother’s Day. Balancing more responsibilities than ever before means mothers around the world are exhausted more than ever before. I haven’t forgotten the Dads too but right now we are talking about Mother’s Day. 

So I thought I would share some free gift ideas that really will help this Mother’s Day be special. Feel free to do them all for her, she deserves it.

5 Free Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

1. A Luxury Bath Experience

This isn’t just running a bath and shutting the door to give a mother a break. We all know someone will want to use the toilet and sit and chat. If you have kids you know this is true. Or just about the moment she shuts her eyes, she will hear the kids bickering over the remote louder and louder, feeling that need to get up and break it up. No, this luxury bath experience is in pure, golden silence. Maybe Daddy takes the kids for a walk to the park or after the kids have gone to bed. This ensures no interruptions! Also, you need to set the scene for dear old mother, candles, and bath bombs can go along way. You can make bath bomb homemade really easy for a project for the kids. Use candles you have around the house.

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2. A Luxury Lie In

This is a given, probably under a classic gift for Mother’s Day but we are so tired lately. We have been working, cleaning, cooking, homeschooling, and stressing more than we normally do as mothers. This lie-in isn’t just getting up with the baby or doing the breakfast for the kids because we CAN still hear you. No matter how quiet you think you are being, it’s not quiet. This luxury lie in is with blackout windows, silk mask on, doors shut and Daddy sneaks the kids out of the house for breakfast out. I hear McDonald's is popular with the kids. It will get them to willingly get out of bed and out of the house fast too.

3. A Luxury TV Night

You might think well all we do is watch TV because we can’t do anything else right now. Yes, but do you get full remote power? Do you get uninterrupted programming or better yet can you watch whatever you want alone? In my experience, I am never alone to watch my home renovation shows or reality TV that I don’t want my kids to see. A luxury TV night with all my favourite goodies, full control of the remote, and no interruptions or judgments would be blissful.

4. A Luxury Spa Day

Nope, you don’t have to leave the house and it doesn’t have to cost you a penny. Now isn’t that a revelation to spa days? This is full pampering by the ones you love the most. Someone can bring you coffee all day, someone else rubs your feet whilst another rubs your neck. Make your lunch and clean up after you. You can read and relax with some spa music boasting out of Alexa and have your very own servants at your disposal for a luxury spa day.

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5. A Luxury No Chore Day

This is huge for me, I feel like all I do is clean, cook, clean, cook, work, homeschool, clean and cook again. It’s a cycle all day long. This luxury no chore day gives me the day off from doing anything. But that doesn’t mean it just gets left for the next day and I have to do more to catch up. This means everyone in the family pitches in to get every house chore done on Mother’s Day so I don’t have to worry about them later. That’s the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, the bath times, homeschooling, the grocery shopping, basically all the chores mothers do on a daily basis to keep the house running smoothly for the whole family. All done for us.

There are a million things you can do for Mother’s Day gifts that don’t have to cost a penny but these can really make her feel extra special and give her the break she deserves so desperately. You can see all of these are based around giving her quiet, relaxing, time on her own! And maybe some chocolate and wine if you do have a bit of change from all those holidays this year that have been cancelled. Why not!

The kids can make homemade cards with all stationery I am sure your house now possesses like ours from homeschooling too. What mother doesn’t love a good homemade card as a keepsake?

Go on, give Mother a break for Mother’s Day! That’s all we really want at the moment. If you feel extra flush the chocolates, champagne, and flowers are always a great bonus too.

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