Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body grows and changes at a rapid rate. This, combined with the hormone Relaxin that makes its way through the body, can lead to some different pregnancy ailments and discomfort. Lower back pain is one of the most reported of these ailments and can cause individuals to struggle with sleep and day-to-day tasks. 

I firmly believe that the different things we experience during pregnancy are there to teach us and prepare us for the future. Sometimes, our bodies simply tell us that they need rest. Still, in this day and age, rest is a privilege that not everyone can afford, so what are different things you can do during pregnancy to help with lower back pain?

Body Work

One of my top recommendations for anyone struggling with body pains is to get body work done. For bone and structural pain, I love a good chiropractor. 

The best way to know if a chiropractor is safe to work on pregnant individuals is to ask if they are trained in the Webster’s Technique. This technique is specific to pregnancy and indicates they would be a good option for chiropractic care. 


Sometimes, the lower back pain is attributed to tight muscles, and in this case, I would recommend an excellent prenatal or craniosacral massage. The craniosacral massage focuses more on the facia and moving it, so it is more of a light touch massage, whereas, with a prenatal massage, you will get more of what you would expect of a massage. 

Although these options come at a cost, I believe they are worth it if you can swing it. Some options that are better for a tight budget and won’t require you to leave the house would include, first, stretching. 


Stretching is tricky because of the Relaxin. You want to take it slowly to avoid pulling anything or overstretching. But getting a good stretch can help release some of those tight muscles. If you jump on Google, you can find all the different stretching regimens or yoga flows specifically for lower back pain in pregnancy. 

Some of the most common stretches that help with lower back pain are child’s pose, cat/cow, supine twists, knee-to-chest, lower lunge twists, and threading the needle. It is safe for most individuals to do each of these stretches in pregnancy. The only one that would need adaptation is the child’s pose. Simply move your knees apart to make room for your belly, and use support blocks if needed.

Taking A Bath

Another excellent at-home treatment would be Epsom salt and magnesium baths. Warm bath water can feel great during pregnancy, but adding these great supplements can help muscles relax and release. 

There are many things about the bath's heat and pregnancy, but listening to your body is the best way to know if it is too hot. If you begin feeling lightheaded, it is time to turn on the cold water or get out.

Speaking of magnesium, magnesium is an excellent supplement for helping with muscle relaxation. Talk to your care provider before beginning this supplement, but this is a great and safe option for most individuals during pregnancy. 

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Using Heat Pads

Another great idea is to utilize heat pads, especially when trying to sleep at night. Heat can help remove a lot of back discomfort and is helpful for relaxing muscles. 

Moving Your Body

With back pain, sometimes we think that less movement will create less pain, but a lot of times, getting our bodies moving helps take away large amounts of pain and discomfort. 

Going on a daily walk, doing a yoga flow, or moving your body in some way or another are all great ways to help relieve some of the discomforts that pregnancy brings. 


For many individuals, swimming or water submersion is found to have incredible results. Because water takes a lot of pressure off the body, it can help relax tight muscles and relieve some areas, like the lower back, that have taken on more weight during pregnancy. If you have access to a pool, give it a go; you might love how it makes you feel.


The last piece of of advice is support. During the day, wearing a belly band and focusing on posture can make a huge difference. Having belly support to help with the weight of your little one can make a huge difference in your lower back. 

At night, add more pillows. I know, I know, you already sleep with thirty, but adding more support cannot hurt. Sometimes, all it takes is finding the areas you didn’t realize needed support and propping them up. My favorite position to sleep in during pregnancy for lower back pain was in a side-lying release. You can look this position up, but it felt amazing and is also excellent for baby positioning.

However you go about healing and helping with your back pain, remember that these things are here to teach us if only we will listen. Maybe your body needs more rest, or perhaps you struggle to ask for help from others. Whatever it is, it might be a good idea to dig deeper and explore that some more.


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